Mimosa Hostilis


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Mimosa hostilis For Sale UK

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Mimosa hostilis is a tree or shrub native to the North of Brazil and widely found throughout Latin and South America. The tree is also known as jurema preta, calumba, tepezcohuite, carbonal and other local names. You can recognise its fern-like branches, fragrant white flowers, brittle fruit and seed pods.

Mimosa hostilis is known as a pioneer plant, recovering quickly after forest fires, growing quickly and fertilizing the soil by fixing nitrogen levels and dropping leaves to form a mulch which turns to humus.

It is a very important tree for the areas it grows in because it is very quick to grow, improves the soil conditions and offers food and shade for wildlife. Its wood is excellent as a construction material and its bark is used as a natural dye.

Mimosa hostilis root bark has been used as a natural fabric dye for thousands of years throughout South America. Thanks to its high tannin content the root bark is a deep red colour and it produces beautiful ochre, red, purple and pink tones when used as a dye. The tone depends on the concentration of the dye that you use.

Buy Mimosa hostilis Online

Sirius Herbal supply the highest quality mimosa hostilis root bark for use as a natural dye and can send it direct to your door. We offer a freshly harvested product, which is collected, processed and sent to our customers around the world.

You will receive your mimosa hostilis root bark chopped and packaged into 150, 250, 500, 750 gram or 1 kilo packets. To extract the dye, place in a saucepan with double the amount of water to root bark. Bring to the boil and simmer for about an hour before draining off the dye and discarding the root bark.Mimosa hostilis For Sale UK , Buy Mimosa hostilis Online England , Where to buy Mimosa hostilis Scotland , Order Mimosa hostilis Northern Ireland.

During the boiling process, prepare your fabric with a natural fixative using vinegar and water. Measure out one part vinegar to four parts water and boil your fabric in the mixture for an hour. Then rinse under cold water. This will enable the fabric to retain the dye during washing.

Once your fabric is prepared and the dye has been made, simply put the wet fabric into the dye and simmer until you get the colour you are looking for. However, remember that it will get lighter as it dries, so make it a bit darker than you’re looking for.

Where to buy Mimosa hostilis

Mimosa Hostilis’ wide range of use was already known by the Aztecs. They called it Tepescohuite. Freely translated that means ’metal wood’. Referring to the hard density of the material. The inherent strength has made Tepescohuite a popular building material. In places where the tree is ubiquitous, you often find wooden structures such as bridges, furniture, and wheels out of this material. Mimosa Tenuiflora is not only strong, but it also grows fast (Rätsch et al,2005). It makes an ideal source for sustainably grown building materials.Mimosa Tenuiflora is classified as a pioneer species. These types of plants are among ” …the first to colonize an area that was previously damaged or disrupted” (biologyonline.com). Mimosa’s fast growth and its ability to restore the nitrogen balance in the soil is one of the reasons you often find it in reforestation programs across South America. A study from 2012 in Northern Brazil showed that Mimosa Hostilis grew back to 3,8 meters just six years after an area was flattened for slash-and-burn agriculture. The tree fulfills an important role in restoring biodiversity in its direct surroundings. The flowers and seeds attract several species of birds. Birds introduce a large variety of seedlings, which then have the opportunity to thrive in the improved soil underneath the canopy .Mimosa hostilis For Sale UK , Buy Mimosa hostilis Online England , Where to buy Mimosa hostilis Scotland , Order Mimosa hostilis Northern Ireland.

Order Mimosa hostilis

The bark is said to have played a big role in the treatments of Mexican burn victims after the eruption of El Chinchón in 1982 and in the aftermath of the large natural gas explosion of Juan Ixhuatepec in 1984. On both of these occasions, the hospitals in the area became overloaded with the number of people affected by the disasters. The bark of Mimosa Hostilis proved to be very effective in the treatment of burns and wounds (Valencia-Gómez et al, 2016).

These major events have given the powdered bark of Tepescohuite a solid reputation for skin treatment. Today it is widely available in markets, drugstores, and natural food stores in Mexico as raw material. You can also find them in processed products such as balms and skin cremes.Mimosa hostilis For Sale UK , Buy Mimosa hostilis Online England , Where to buy Mimosa hostilis Scotland , Order Mimosa hostilis Northern Ireland.

Maria de Fatima Agra (2007) states in the Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy that a decoction of the stem bark might help in dealing with bronchitis and coughs. She conducted her research by studying a total of 483 plants with the help of 79  North-Brazilian, indigenous families. These people have possessed Ethnomedicinal knowledge passed down from generation to generation. According to these families, the mixture is drunk until the symptoms disappear.


25 Grams, 250 Grams, 500 Grams, 1000 Grams


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