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Crystal methamphetamine (‘ice’, ice drug) is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body. It’s stronger, more addictive and therefore has more harmful side effects than the powder form of methamphetamine known as speed.

Ice usually comes as small chunky clear crystals that look like ice. It can also come as white or brownish crystal-like powder with a strong smell and bitter taste.

Part of the amphetamine family of stimulant drugs

Also called:

  • Crank
  • Crystal Meth
  • Glass
  • Ice
  • Meth
  • Tina And Christine
  • Yaba

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Ice is generally smoked (feel the effect almost immediately) or injected (15 to 30 seconds to feel the effects). It is sometimes swallowed (15 to 20 minutes to feel the effects) or snorted (3 to 5 minutes to feel the effects).Buy crystal meth online UK , Crystal meth for sale Scotland ,  Order Crystal meth Northern Ireland, Where to buy Crystal meth Wales  , Purchase crystal meth England

It can take several days to come down from using ice. The following effects may be experienced during this time:

  • difficulty sleeping and exhaustion
  • headaches, dizziness and blurred vision
  • paranoia, hallucinations and confusion
  • irritability and feeling ‘down’.

Using a depressant drug such as alcoholbenzodiazepines or cannabis to help with the come-down effects may result in a cycle of dependence on both types of drugs.

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Methamphetamine can come in several different forms – including tablets, powder, or crystals. The tablets are sometimes referred to as yaba and the smokeable crystals are often called crystal meth or ice.

Depending on its form, methamphetamine can be swallowed, snorted or injected.

Smoking the purer, crystalline form of methamphetamine, known as crystal meth, produces a very intense high similar to that produced by crack cocaine but much longer lasting.

Sharing needles, syringes or other injecting equipment, runs the risk of the injector catching or spreading viruses, such as HIV or hepatitis C. There is also the risk that veins may be damaged, and of abscesses or clots developing.Buy crystal meth online UK , Crystal meth for sale Scotland ,  Order Crystal meth Northern Ireland, Where to buy Crystal meth Wales  , Purchase crystal meth England

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Methamphetamine can reduce your appetite and make you feel:

  • exhilarated
  • alert
  • awake
  • agitated
  • paranoid
  • confused
  • aggressive
  • aroused
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How long the effects last and the drug stays in your system depends on how much you’ve taken, your size and what other drugs you may have also taken.

The effects of methamphetamine can last a very long time.

Smoking the purer, crystalline form of methamphetamine, crystal meth, produces a very intense high similar to that produced by crack cocaine but is much longer lasting. The effects can last for a period of between 4 and 12 hours.

The comedown from methamphetamine is severe.

Crystal meth can report positive in a urine test for 1 to 4 days after using.Buy crystal meth online UK , Crystal meth for sale Scotland ,  Order Crystal meth Northern Ireland, Where to buy Crystal meth Wales  , Purchase crystal meth England

How long a drug can be detected for depends on how much is taken and which testing kit is used. This is only a general guide.


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